How this web site is setupAs you can tell by the .asp extension of the URL's, this site uses Active Server Pages (ASP). This means that when you require a page, the server assembles it on the spot and sends the result to your browser. For better understanding of this page, some knowledge of ASP and Visual Basic scripting is required.
The menu.asp file (view source) is inserted at the top of each page with <!--#include file="menu.asp"-->. It starts creating the basic layout table, that is the same for all pages, and builds the menu. The footer.asp file (view source) is inserted at the end of each page with <!--#include file="footer.asp"-->. It finishes the basic layout table. When I want to change the menu, I only have to edit it once in menu.asp and the changes are automatically reflected on every page. Although the menu is the same for each page, it is best that the menu item of the current page isn't a hyperlink (which would be to itself). That way you cannot click on it by mistake causing only a useless reload of the page. It is also nice to give it a different background color so you can tell which page is current. To do both, the menu is build up dynamically with a Visual Basic script. Using the Split function, the name of each page appearing in the menu is placed in the array mnu and the corresponding file base name in the array file. The menu is built up by a For ... Next loop that runs for every menu item:
<% file=Split("Agenda Post Calculator Htmlpad Links2tray Startup Sort Ribbon Kalender Cm GPS GPS2 Knooppunten Download Sitesetup Index Home") mnu=Split("Agenda|Belgian postal codes|Calculator|Htmlpad|Links2Tray|Startup manager|Alphabetical Disorder| Customize the Ribbon|Perpetual calendar|Compaction manager|MTB tracks|Fietsroutetracks| Fietsknooppunten|Download|How this site is setup|Index|Home","|") ma=Array(" class=col3","") For X=0 To Ubound(mnu) Select Case X Case 6 Response.Write "<TR><TD class='b col4'> Excel 97...2007" Case 9 Response.Write "<TR><TD class='b col4'> DOS" Case 10 Response.Write "<TR><TD title='Only in Dutch' class='b col4'> GPS" Case 13 Response.Write "<TR><TD class='b col4'> Other" End Select Y=StrComp(ThisPage,file(X),1) If Y Then Z="<A class=M target=_top href="&slash&file(X)&".asp"&"> "&mnu(X)&" </A>" Else Z=" "&mnu(X)&" " End If Response.Write "<TR><TD"&ma(Abs(Y))&"><SMALL>"&Z&vbCrLf Next %>Select Case inserts the titles at the appropriate places. Then the plain menu name in mnu(X) is changed into a hyperlink except for the current page. StrComp compares ThisPage, being the base name of the current page, with the string value in file(X). When not equal, meaning the menu item being processed is not the current page, the menu item mnu(X) is embedded within the appropriate <A href=...> ... </A> tags making it a clickable link. If the currently processed menu item is the one of the current page, this embedding is skipped and the menu item mnu(X) remains unchanged (except for the non braking space to the left and right which act as a small margin). Response.Write "<TR><TD"&ma(Abs(Y))&"><SMALL>"&Z&vbCrLf inserts the menu item embedded within the appropriate cell tags. ma(Abs(Y)) inserts a different cell background color for the active page. The menu is made floatable, so it stays always visible when scrolling the page, by using a Java Script by Roy Wittle.
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